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11th Month New Home Warranty Inspections
What is a New Home Construction Warranty Inspection?


INSPECT MY HOME inspections offers this service for homeowners who are living in a newly constructed home.

Why does a new home need an inspection?

Most new homes have a one-year warranty by the builder covering defects in workmanship or materials.  At the 11th month of home ownership, the builder is still responsible for most defects. Even for the best builders, it’s nearly impossible to complete this process without missing something.


Defects in new homes fall into several categories.


* Obvious material and workmanship defects. (You may have taken care of the obvious defects; nail pops, cosmetic issues )

* Simple omissions. 

* Incomplete installations


While many items are now concealed, it’s not too late for defects to be caught by the trained eye of our inspectors. Our experience tells us that most major construction flaws go unnoticed for 3-5 years. By this time, correcting these flaws could cost many thousands of dollars to remedy, and the builder is no longer responsible. It is unfortunate that most of these flaws go unnoticed until it is too late and extensive damage has occurred.


Improper wiring, small exterior openings where moisture seeps in, and poor drainage are among the most common unnoticed problems.


Assisting in preventing this risk and the possibility of future costly repairs is the goal of our “New Home Construction Warranty Inspection.” Our inspection covers all major systems and includes testing of the mechanical systems and components. All visible defects will be noted in a written report and ready for presentation to your builder. This “last chance” inspection is essential in providing you with the peace of mind you deserve.


You may not be aware, however, of those things that may have simply been forgotten or overlooked during construction.

Your new heating bill may suffer from insufficient or missing insulation. Unfinished crawl spaces may lack appropriate vapor barriers or an outlet or two that you have not yet needed may simply not have been hooked up.


This service works so well, that most new homeowners are amazed with our findings and will refer us to their neighbors.

If you would like to know more, please contact me for a personal consultation, or to schedule an inspection.

Our Full Service Inspections Include:


  • Roof, Vents, Flashings and Trim

  • Gutters and Downspouts

  • Skylight, Chimney, and Other Roof Penetrations

  • Decks, Stoops, Porches, Walkways and Railings

  • Eaves, Soffits and Fascia

  • Grading and Drainage

  • Basement, Foundation and Crawlspace

  • Water Penetration and Foundation Movement

  • Heating System

  • Cooling System

  • Main Water Shut-off Valve

  • Water Heating System

  • Interior Plumbing Fixtures and Faucets

  • Drainage Sump Pumps with Accessible Floats

  • Main Disconnect and Service Amperage

  • Electrical Panel(s), Breakers and Fuses

  • Grounding and Bonding

  • GFCIs and AFCIs

  • Insulation and Ventilation

  • Garage Doors, Safety Sensors and Openers

  • And Much More!


Weekend Appt's                            ​​​614-654-1030


Ohio License Radon Tester  # RT1219

Ohio License WDI (Termite) # 144374 

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© 2017 INSPECT MY HOME Home Inspections, llc

Inspect My Home Property Inspections 3751 Whitworth Way Columbus, Ohio 43228

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